Wednesday, June 21, 2006


No school, lots of sun, hanging out with friends, and lots of activities... Sounds like summer is here again!

And that also means it's time for the summer reading program at the Branch library!!!!! We have the usual suspects: the Wheel of Reading (those who have done the Teen program before will be very familiar with this), parties laden with pizza and junk food, and lots of prizes to choose from.

So what are you waiting for? Get to the Branch library NOW or call us - (201)444-4911 - to register for the KICK-OFF PARTY on Thursday, June 29 from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. We're keeping the library closed off to everyone except you guys, which means lots of noise, good food, and riotous fun...and no one "shhhing" you!


Thursday, June 15, 2006

REVIEW: Enthusiasm by Polly Shulman

This is the story of two best friends: Julia and Ashleigh. Ashleigh is the flighty, enthusiastic friend, and she decides her new obsession will be Jane Austen. Julia is the more soft-spoken of the two who often finds herself victim to Ashleigh’s whims. In the style of old farce, the girls believe themselves to be in love with the same "Mr. Darcy" and hilarity ensues. Naturally, the confusion is cleared up and all’s well that ends well.

This is one of the more delightful books I’ve read lately. As you’ve seen, I’ve been reading heavier books lately (Uglies, King Dork, and Twilight). Enthusiasm is the perfect remedy for too much seriousness. The female characters are sweet and self-confident – no yucky backstabbing here, ladies. The male characters are realistically chivalrous and funny. Even the more unlikable characters have their own charm and add some comic relief.

Enthusiasm is the perfect light-hearted summer read. I’d recommend it to teens 6th grade and up. Enjoy!

****4 out of 5 stars.

CURRENTLY READING: Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz