Have you guys heard about this?! There's a whole new genre of music called Wizard Rock - bands who play songs all about the Harry Potter books! Here are some sample songs:
"Save Ginny Weasley" - Harry and the Potters
"Neville and Luna" and "Remember Cedric" - The Remus Lupins
"My Dad is Rich" - Draco and the Malfoys
"Polyjuice Problems" - The Hermione Crookshanks Experience
Here are the links to these bands' websites:
Harry and the Potters – Website/ Myspace
The Remus Lupins – Website / Myspace
Draco and the Malfoys – Website / Myspace
The Whomping Willows – Myspace
Dobby and the house Elves – Myspace
The Hermione Crookshanks Experience – Myspace
You can also buy CDs from their websites!
Lastly, I don't know if any of you are able or willing to make the trek to Brooklyn, but Harry and the Potters are doing a concert out there Saturday, September 23rd at 7:00 p.m. for all ages. Check out their website for more info.
Listen cautiously - you're going to become addicted to Wizard Rock, just like me!